Reticular Veins Overview

Reticular Veins Overview

Reticular veins are another type of vein that is visible below your skin that develop as a result of valve dysfunction in the veins. These veins are larger than spider or telangiectasia veins, but don’t bulge out like varicose veins. These veins may cause some pain and discomfort.

Progression & Prognosis:

Initially, they may appear as bluish or greenish veins beneath the skin’s surface, often in a network-like pattern. Over time, reticular veins can enlarge and become more prominent, potentially causing discomfort, itching, or aching sensations in the legs.

Reticular Veins on a woman's leg near her knee

Risk Factors & Underlying Conditions

Factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, obesity, and prolonged standing can contribute to their progression. Though typically not as severe as varicose veins, monitoring and early intervention through lifestyle modifications or medical treatments may help manage their development.

Symptoms of Reticular Veins

  • Discolored feet
  • Discolored legs
  • Leathery skin
  • Flaky skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Warmth in legs
  • Redness in legs

Specialized clinics like VIC Vein Clinic offer comprehensive care and expertise for the most effective management of reticular veins.

Contact us today. No referral needed.

Treatments for Reticular Veins

Lifestyle Changes

Early intervention and proactive management can help prevent reticular veins from worsening and improve overall vein health.

Other Treatments Include

  • Varithena
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Phlebectomy
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