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Case Studies

Phoenix Case One

IVUS Guided Phoenix Atherectomy System SFA Case Study – Chris LeSar, MD, presents a case study with the Phoenix atherectomy system on a 76 year old woman who had 75% lesion in the superficial femoral system and then multi-level tibial obstructive disease with single vessel perineal artery runoff.

Phoenix Case Two

IVUS Guided Phoenix Atherectomy System Case Study – Chris LeSar, MD, presents a case study on Phoenix atherectomy system with the tibial access approach.

Progression of PAD

Progression of Peripheral Arterial Disease Case Study – Stephanie Sheridan, DNP, ANP-C, CNN-NP, presents a case study on a 70 year old woman with lower extremity PAD who reported significant weakness in the bilateral lower extremities after having developed COVID-19 three months prior.
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