Summer Is Not Always an Easy Walk in the Park

older man holding his leg in pain

Summer months are a great time to get out for a walk in the park. For some people, it can come easier than others. For some, even just a few minutes of walking can cause pain or fatigue. This could be a sign of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). PAD, a circulatory problem in which narrowed arteries […]

What Is Causing My Leg Pain?

woman holding her calf in pain

Peripheral Artery Disease & Leg Pain In patients who are normally active, symptoms of pain, weakness and swelling in the legs can be the first sign of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). It is not normal to have pain in your legs with activity. This suggests that a blockage has formed reducing the blood flow in […]

Arterial Plaque Laser Treatments

illustration of plaque in arteries

Can lasers be used to help treat plaque build-up in my arteries? Laser technology is an emerging resource in vascular health treatment. Lasers emit ultraviolet light to break up hardened plaques inside arteries. These minimally invasive surgical techniques are designed to treat peripheral artery disease (PAD), with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. PAD occurs with […]

Is Physical Activity Causing My Pain?

man holding his leg in pain

Leg pain one experiences with walking could be due to multiple causes. While fatigue or generalized weakness are common reasons this may occur, there are a number of other potential etiologies.  Peripheral arterial disease, or PAD, often manifests itself as pain one experiences after walking.  The pain is caused by blockages in the arteries limiting […]

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11/15 World Diabetes Awareness Day
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