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Sitting & Cardiovascular Disease: When is it time to get up on your feet?

Voiced by Amazon Polly

Inactivity for long periods of time can prove to be a contributing factor to cardiovascular disease, while an exercise program can start to prevent heart disease, manage diabetes, and address obesity.

Many people’s daily activities – such as working remotely in front of a computer screen, or relaxing in front of the television – require very minimal physical effort. The problem is the amount of time that lapses without much movement.

What can you do to combat a more sedentary and inactive lifestyle? First, you can get moving and consider incorporating a few of these easy steps.

1. Keep Track of Your Daily Step Total

A simple device such as a pedometer can track your total steps every day, helping you to realize your goals. There are also apps for all the different phone platforms that enable you to not only track your steps but also important things like vitals and calories. Start out with an attainable goal and continue working until you can reach at least 10,000 steps per day.

2. There Is More Than One Way to Move

Being active is a thoughtful process. Consider these simple suggestions that you can immediately incorporate into your routine, that will lead to positive results! When parking your car, park further out and enjoy the walk to the entry of the store.  Take your four-legged friend on a walk. If you are a busy worker or mom, schedule time for you in your daily routine, and make 10-15 minutes a priority for your health.  If possible, take the stairs and leave the elevator on the ground floor.

3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!

 It is never too late to start an exercise program.  Participating in strength training exercises one or two times a week will help build muscle tone and get you stronger, allowing for better endurance. Try to aim for an overall goal of 100-120 minutes of exercise each week.

4. Be Creative

When you are taking calls at home or talking with co-workers, think vertical.  Get up on your feet and walk and talk at the same time.  All the small movements add up to a big payoff.  While you are at home, stretch at your kitchen counter, lift light weights while enjoying your favorite television show, or go up and down your home steps to get your heart rate going.

5. Stuck at the Office – No Time for Exercise!

Although you are at your office for 6-8 hours a day, there are always ways to find time to exercise for your health.  Encourage your company to offer gym membership incentives, walk during your lunch break, or plan ahead and pack your gym bag to meet friends after you’re done at the office.


The choice to exercise or not is completely yours … the benefits are something that can be life-changing and prevent you from major health roadblocks in the future.

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