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Little changes can make a BIG difference.

High blood pressure is a constant abnormal elevation of the pressure within the arteries which deliver blood to the entire body. Those suffering from high blood pressure need to be treated as it can lead to kidney failure, heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, and blindness.
To help prevent high blood pressure, it is important to limit the amount of salt or sodium in your diet.
Here are a few ways to help prevent high sodium intake from St. Joseph’s Healthcare:
1. Take the salt shaker off of the table. Try seasoning foods with herbs, spices and
lemon juice instead.
2. Do not use salt in cooking.
3. Replace onion, garlic, and celery salt with the fresh product or powder.
4. Eat at fast food restaurants less often.
5. Eat less cured and processed meats:
  • Ham
  • Sausage
  • Bacon
  • Hot dogs
  • Bologna
  • Salami
  • Pepperoni
6. Eat less processed or convenience foods that are high in salt or sodium:
  • Canned soups
  • Spaghetti or tomato sauce
  • Processed cheese
  • Soy sauce
  • Pickles 
Reducing your sodium intake is key for not only to control your blood pressure, but for overall vascular health.
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November is Diabetes Awareness Month!

11/15 World Diabetes Awareness Day
Check out our page to learn more and stay informed!