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For Ladies Only…not.

If you’re like most guys, you figure that varicose veins are a woman’s problem. Certainly nothing you have to worry about. Right? Think again.
As many as 56 percent of men suffer from varicose veins, according to British research. Risk factors include family history of varicose veins, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, and prolonged standing.
While many think varicose veins are just a cosmetic concern – they can lead to discoloration, bleeding skin ulcers, and a “heavy leg” sensation that may hinder daily activity. When in an erect position, blood pools in the lower extremity veins expanding the vein walls over time. This can lead to a bulged look of varicose veins – causing symptoms that include throbbing, swelling, and decreased morbidity.
Most men don’t seek treatment for varicose veins for various reasons including:
  • Men don’t shave their legs (or even look at them). As a result, leg veins tend to be obscured beneath a swath of hair.
  • Bulging veins are associated with bulging muscles. No matter what any bulging blue or purple veins should be seen by a vein specialist, even if no pain if present.
  • Men don’t talk about it. When was the last time a man chatted about varicose veins with a buddy over beer?
  • Varicose veins is a “women’s problem”. No matter who it affects any medical issue should be examined.
Varicose vein evaluation includes a brief physical exam and often an ultrasound to look for underlying vein problems that may be a contributing factor. Patients with large varicose veins often have valve dysfunction in veins beneath the skin, which results in excess pressure in the veins.
An appointment can be made with on of the VIC Vascular Team providers by calling 423-602-2750.
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