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June is Men’s Health Month.

This month is a reminder for men to take steps to be healthier, but they don’t have to do it alone! Whether it’s your partner, dad, brother, son, uncle, or friend, you can help support the health and safety of the men in your life.

Here are a few facts:

  • Men are at a greater risk of death in every age group
  • Men have a higher rate of suicide than women
  • Men have a higher rate of workplace injuries than women
  • Men do not get physical exams from physicians as often as women
  • Men are more likely to be uninsured than women
The Centers for Disease Control has a few tips to support the men in your life by having healthy habits yourself and by making healthy choices.
  • Eat healthy and include a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. They have many vitamins and minerals that may help protect from chronic disease. Limit foods and drinks high in calories, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol.
  • Regular physical activity has many benefits. It can control your weight, reduce risk of heart disease and some cancers, and can improve mental health and mood. Find fun ways to be active together. Adults need 2 ½ hours of physical activity a week.
  • Set an example by choosing not to smoke and encourage the men in your life to quit smoking.
  • Help the men in your life recognize and reduce stress. Physical and emotional tension are often signs of stress. They can be reactions to a situation that causes you to feel threatened or anxious. Learn ways to manage stress including finding support, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and avoiding drugs and alcohol.


November is Diabetes Awareness Month!

11/15 World Diabetes Awareness Day
Check out our page to learn more and stay informed!